Southend Hospital Charitable Foundation’s £600,000 Spotlight Radiotherapy Appeal target smashed

Southend hospital Charitable Foundation’s £600,000 cancer appeal is celebrating reaching its initial target ahead of schedule.  The Spotlight Radiotherapy Appeal was launched in February 2023 with the goal of purchasing surface-guided radiation therapy devices for Southend Hospital, designed to reduce radiotherapy session times and greatly enhance patient comfort. Thanks to a generous legacy donation of £100,000, and several significant pledges, the appeal has reached and surpassed its initial fundraising target.

Due to the appeal’s overwhelming success, the foundation has vowed to raise an additional £275,000, increasing the total appeal target to £875,000. These additional donations will enable the purchase of another SGRT attachment, complementary immobilisation devices, and environmental enhancements for the Radiotherapy Department at the hospital.

Chair of the foundation, Emma Wynne-Morgan, said: “The board of trustees and I are incredibly grateful for the generous bequest we have received in support of the appeal. This unexpected and truly life-changing sum has now allowed us to extend our support for the Radiotherapy team at Southend.

“It means we can ensure cutting-edge Surface Guided Radiotherapy Treatment is rolled out to all patients by the summer of 2025 and help to further improve the patient journey for all those undergoing cancer treatment.  We are so thankful for everyone’s donation, big or small.”

The people of Essex have come together in extraordinary ways – from the Essex Freemasons who have collectively donated over £77,000 to date and Essex Rotary Groups from District 1240 who have contributed over £32,500 to Adventure Island and the Stockvale Group who have supported the appeal from day one with numerous charitable events.

In the current financial climate corporate support has been equally impressive, one example being New Leaf Distribution from Rayleigh who supported the appeal to the tune of £60,000. There’s also been lots of generous individuals, some of them patients undergoing their own cancer treatment, who have advocated and fundraised on behalf of the appeal.

Dr Krishnaswamy Madhavan, Medical Director at the Essex Cancer Centre, said: “On behalf of all patients undergoing cancer treatment, thank you. This technology is transforming how we deliver radiotherapy treatment, it also takes us one step further towards being a Cancer Centre of Excellence for the people of Essex.”

The community’s commitment shows no signs of slowing down, with additional donations helping to fund further enhancements that will directly benefit patients and improve their treatment experience for years to come.

Lucy Thomas-Clayton, Director of Charities, said: “Thanks to the extraordinary success of the Spotlight Appeal, which has far exceeded our expectations, we are proud to establish the Spotlight Radiotherapy Fund—an enduring legacy that will continue long after the appeal itself. The ongoing support from community groups, individuals, and corporate partners has made this possible. With continuous advancements in technology and equipment, this fund will enable us to enhance the care we provide to radiotherapy patients. These vital improvements, which go beyond what the NHS can offer, are made possible only through the continued generosity of our local donors.”

Although the appeal will close in the summer, the Spotlight Radiotherapy Fund will remain open for those wishing to continue supporting the Radiotherapy Department at Southend Hospital. This ensures the lasting impact of the appeal.

Discover more about the Spotlight Radiotherapy Appeal here: