Donations in memory and in celebration of a loved one are a wonderful way of making a tribute to someone close to you, while helping others who are affected by a cause which is close to your heart.

You could set up a tribute fund, arrange donations at a funeral in lieu of flowers, set up a Just Giving Tribute page, mark the birth of a new baby or simply celebrate an occasion whilst making a gift to Mid and South Essex Hospitals Charity.

Make a donation

We keep a record of all the donations received in memory of loved ones, whether sent directly to us or via a funeral director. All donations received are acknowledged either to the family or the individual donor. Read more about how to make a donation.

Donations at a funeral

We can provide you with donation envelopes for family and friends to make donations at the funeral, and you may like to request that a donation is made in lieu of flowers. People can also gift-aid their donation by completing the relevant section on the donation envelope. Please call us on 01702 385337 or email You can also speak to your funeral director who will have experience of how to collect donations in lieu of flowers.

Mid and South Essex Hospitals Charity, and the associated hospitals we support, is well known to many funeral directors in the area and they will look after all cash and cheques given by family and friends at the funeral and send these to us. An acknowledgement will then be sent to the family to confirm how much was collected.

Please contact us if you would like additional donation forms for family and friends.

Tribute funds

We know that for many people, Tribute Funds are a very special way to give thanks for the life of a loved one. Tribute Funds are a positive and simple way for friends and family to remember a loved one and, in their name, help support the vital work of our hospital.

It is quick and easy to set up a Fund, and family and friends can contribute by making donations and holding fundraising events to honour the memory of your loved one. Simply email and we will contact you when your fund has been created.

Give in memory

Donating in memory of someone you love is such a special gift, it provides a legacy of the life of your loved one, whilst creating positive change for the future of so many others.

Much Loved provides an online space to remember and celebrate the life of your loved one where donations can be made in their honour.

Make a donation

Your donation, whether big or small makes an enormous difference to our patients, families and staff.