Friends fund patient air transfer system at Broomfield Hospital

Funding of £13,800 from the Friends at Broomfield voluntary group has allowed the purchase of two additional patient airlift kits.
When a patient has a fall in hospital, it’s vital that they’re retrieved in the safest possible way to minimise any further injury or discomfort. The Hoverjack air transfer system allows a person to remain flat on the ground whilst the multi-chamber lift is inflated to the desired height so that a patient can be moved from floor to bed or stretcher.
Hoverjacks are used in cases where a fall has caused injury, several caregivers are required to lift, or if the fall has taken place in an awkward to reach space.
On the generous donation, Moving and Handling Manager for Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust, Tracy Haly said “We are so grateful to the Friends for this funding which maximises patient comfort whilst minimising possible injury to staff.
“The kit can accommodate a patient of up to 1,200 lbs meaning that less caregivers are required resulting in a much more dignified patient experience.”